When life gives you lemons, look up at the bastard who gave them to you and squirt them with the lemon right in the eye and say "Wow, this really is affective."

Mar 28, 2010

Those Annoying People

You know those REALLY annoying people that text you over and over? And you have to make up an excuse to NOT talk to them because, well, you don't WANNA sound rude, even though you know that you are? And the reason WHY you're not texting them is because you're texting someone else who, to you, is more important then that other person? Well, I had to do that ALL weekend. This guy, the same one who was crying over his passed on uncle, kept texting me 'til no end. I know he's got a thing for me, an he knows I have a girlfriend and that I'm not straight. I'm a lesbian. Yeah, okay, great, got that subject done. I don't care, I've been out of the closet for some time now. Anyway, with this in his head, he STILL tries to pursue his plan to get me to dump Katie-Chan and go straight... NO! The retard doesn't get that my sexuality? It's not my choice, his choice, or anyone else's choice. It's naturally there, and can't be changed. I know, trust me, I freaked out when I started looking at girl's butts when they walked. Now I do it like it's a hobby. (Well... which it KINDA is.) But, anyway, my excuse was that my family is over. He knows it's true, because, well, yeah, it is. But he still texts me hour... After hour... After hour! The same thing popping up on my screen. "Can you talk?" "Can you talk?" "Huh??" "CAN YA?!?!" "HELLO?!?!?!" *dramatization used* But it's a pain in the ass. So, um... What would YOU do in a situation like this?

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